Fagnan Named CIO for Joint Genome Institute
NERSC’s Kjiersten Fagnan has been named Chief Informatics Officer (CIO) of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), taking over for Dan Rokhsar, who has been the JGI CIO since 2012. As CIO, Fagnan will report directly to the JGI director and will dedicate about 40 percent of her time to this new role, developing new strategic computing initiatives, overseeing budgets and project planning for JGI computing hardware implementation, and coordinating cross cutting computational efforts across the JGI. She will also plan and chair the annual Informatics Advisory Committee meetings and represent the JGI on all aspects of JGI informatics during JGI reviews and activities within the DOE complex and other national platforms. Fagnan will continue to lead NERSC’s Data Science Engagement Group as well.
NERSC Consultants Put Some Bling in Their Ring
Since moving from the Oakland Scientific Facility to the new Wang Hall building at Berkeley Lab, NERSC’s user support consultants have adopted a unique and sparkly way to make sure they are available to the NERSC community 24/7: an iPhone 6 that’s “bedazzled” with a slightly altered version of the NERSC logo.
The fancy phone was the brainchild of Rebecca Hartman-Baker, acting group lead for the User Engagement Group, who was looking for a practical solution to a unique problem: on-call duty rotates among group members, so someone always has to have a phone at hand no matter where they are.
Computing Sciences Staff Share Research at March APS
Last week’s March 2016 meeting of the American Physical Society brought together nearly 10,000 physicists, scientists, and students from all over the world to share groundbreaking research from industry, universities and major labs. The following Computing Sciences’ researchers were among those chosen to present at the meeting, held in Baltimore:
Andrew Canning (CRD)
First-principles Studies of the Optical Properties of Eu doped Barium Halides: From Storage Phosphor to Bright Scintillator
Jarrod McClean (CRD), Jonathan Carter (CRD), Bert de Jong (CRD)
- Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approach to Molecular Excited States On Superconducting Qubits
- Implementation of a Quantum Variational Eigensolver in Superconducting Qubits
Jack Deslippe (NERSC)
- GW Calculations of Materials on the Intel Xeon-Phi Architecture
- Quasiparticle electronic structure of Bi$_2$Se$_3$ via the sc-COHSEX+GW approach
- Scalable real space pseudopotential density functional codes for materials in the exascale regime
Maciej Haranczyk (CRD), Richard Martin (CRD)
Computational Design of Metal–Organic Frameworks with High Methane Deliverable Capacity
Alexander Kemper (CRD)
- Ultrafast Dynamics of the Symmetry Breaking in Charge-ordered La1.75Sr0.25NiO4 Single Crystals.
- Signatures of electron-boson coupling in the time domain: beyond the equilibrium interpretation,
- Ultrafast studies of coexisting electronic order in cuprate superconductors, and
- Real-time study of light-enhanced superconductivity
Not Too Late to Attend NERSC User Group Meeting…Virtually
NERSC welcomes those attending the NUG meeting at Berkeley Lab today through Thursday. Even if you’re unable to attend in person, you can still participate remotely. Remote access instructions will be posted in the agenda each day of the conference, which runs March 21 – 24.
Climate Change is Here: Now What?
At 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, the Friends of Berkeley Lab are sponsoring a conversation about climate change with Bill Collins, one of Berkeley Lab’s internationally recognized climate change experts, CRD collaborator and long-time NERSC user. He will be discussing what we know about climate change, how we know it, and what we can do about it in lay friendly terms with a general public audience. Unfortunately, all the seats at the venue are taken, but you can still reserve a spot for livestreaming video.
Collins serves as the director for the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division in the Earth and Environmental Systems Area at Berkeley Lab. He is also the director of the Climate Readiness Institute, a multi-campus initiative to prepare the Bay Area for climate change.