When approximately 25,000 attendees convene in Chicago, Illinois, for the 2022 American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting, Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences staff will be among them, giving invited talks, presenting papers, and showing posters. The meeting will be held from December 12-16 at the McCormick Place Convention Center and online.

Below is a continually updated day-by-day guide to AGU22 programming featuring CSA staff and resources.

All times are Central Standard.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Time Location Title Author(s)/Presenter(s)
9:30-9:40 a.m. McCormick Place – E265 (Lakeside, Level 2) Paper Presentation H12E-04: Classical Machine Learning for Widespread Stream Temperature Predictions: Demonstrations in the Pacific Northwest and Mid-Atlantic Regions Helen Weierbach, Valerie C Hendrix, Danielle S Christianson, Michaelle Lubich, Charuleka Varadharajan (Berkeley Lab); Jared Willard (Univ. of Minnesota); Aranildo Lima (Aquatic Informatics)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A (South, Level 3) Poster NH12E-0324: Rising Waters, Compounding Impacts Kris May, Michael Mak, Abigal Mohan, James Neher, Daisy Ramirez Lopez, Juliette Finzi Hart (Pathways Climate Institute); Ellen Plane, Tony Hale (San Francisco Estuary Institute); Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab), Kristina Hill (UC Berkeley)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A (South, Level 3) Poster H12P-0874: BASIN-3D – Data Synthesis Software for Earth Science Researchers Danielle S Christianson, Valerie C Hendrix, Catherine Wong, Charuleka Varadharajan, Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab)
5:15-5:25 p.m. McCormick Place – S505ab (South, Level 5) Invited Talk C16B-04: Back to the future: What evolution of Holocene grounding lines in the Amundsen Sea Embayment tells us about Pine Island’s future Samuel Benjamin Kachuck, Jeremy N Bassis (Univ. of Michigan); Ryan Venturelli (Colorado School of Mines); Daniel F Martin (Berkeley Lab); Stephen F Price (LANL)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Time Location Title Author(s)/Presenter(s)
8-9 a.m. Online Online Poster A31G: Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts Abhishekh Kumar Srivastava, Richard Grotjahn, Paul Aaron Ullrich (UC Davis); and Michael Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster A31G: Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts Abhishekh Kumar Srivastava, Richard Grotjahn, Paul Aaron Ullrich (UC Davis); and Michael Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
2:45-4:15 p.m. McCormick Place – E253cd (Lakeside, Level 2) Paper Presentation A35D: Decision-Relevant Understanding of Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes and Their Impacts Abhishekh Kumar Srivastava, Richard Grotjahn, Paul Aaron Ullrich (UC Davis); and Michael Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
3:35-3:43 p.m. McCormick Place – E253cd (Lakeside, Level 2) Paper Presentation A35D-07: Surviving the Storm: Evolution of San Francisco Bay Area Extreme Precipitation from Past to Future Climates and Updated Intensity Duration Frequency Curves for Actionable Science James Neher, Michael Mak, Christine May (Pathways Climate Institute); Michael F Wehner, Christina Patricola (Berkeley Lab); and Anna Roche (SFPUC)
2:45-6:15 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster GC35J-0805: Asymmetric hemispheric decline of American Cordillera snowpack with future warming Alan Rhoades, William Drew Collins, Michael F Wehner, Andrew D Jones, Mark Daniel Risser, Erica R Siirila-Woodburn (Berkeley Lab); Benjamin Hatchett (Desert Research Institute); Laurie Huning (CSULB); Nicolas E Bambach, Paul Aaron Ullrich (UC Davis); Rachel Rose McCrary (NCAR); Colin M. Zarzycki (Penn State)

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Time Location Title Author(s)/Presenter(s)
8:16-8:24 a.m. Online Online Paper Presentation IN41A-03: A FAIR Guided and Community-Oriented Approach to Improving Metadata Quality in a Large Scale Data Repository Emily Robles, Charuleka Varadharajan, Madison Burrus, Shreyas Cholia, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Joan E Damerow, Hesham Elbashandy, Valerie C Hendrix, Zarine Kakalia, Mario Melara, Fianna O’Brien, Karen Whitenack, Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab); Christopher S. Jones, Matthew B. Jones, Peter Slaughter (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis)
8:40-8:48 a.m. Online Online Paper Presentation IN41A-06: Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories Charuleka Varadharajan, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Dylan O’Ryan, Madison Burrus, Shreyas Cholia, Danielle S Christianson, Joan E Damerow, Valerie C Hendrix, Zarine Kakalia, Fianna O’Brien, Emily Robles, Maegen Simmonds, Karen Whitenack, Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab); Bond-Lamberty Benjamin, Amy E Goldman, Stephanie C Pennington (PNNL); Kathleen Beilsmith, Pamela Weisenhorn (ANL); Susan L Heinz, Terri Velliquette, Jessica Nicole Nicole Welch (ORNL); Kim S Ely, Alistair Rogers (BNL); Kristin Boye (SLAC Lab); Kayla Cerise Mathes (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
9-10:30 a.m. McCormick Place – S502ab (South, Level 4) Paper Presentation B42A: Advances in Measuring Plant and Ecosystem Function: Toward Effective Climate Solutions Koong Yi, Sebastien Biraud, Trevor F Keenan, Gilberto Pastorello (Berkeley Lab)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster C42D-1052: Examining the Sensitivity of Ice Sheet Models to Updates in Rheology (n=4) Daniel F Martin (Berkeley Lab); Samuel Benjamin Kachuck (Univ. of Michigan); Joanna D Millstein, Brent M Minchew (MIT)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster IN42B-0338: Enabling proper Citation of Individual Objects Across Large Collections of Datasets Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab); Justin James Henry Buck, James Ayliffe (National Oceanography Center); Martina Stockhause (DKRZ); Lesley A Wyborn (ANU); Shelley Stall (AGU)
1:45-2:45 p.m. Online Online Paper Presentation SY44A-04: The Influence of Climate Change on the Severe Flooding from Remnants of Hurricane Ida 2021 Xue Li, Dave Judi, Robert D Hetland (PNNL); Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
2:45 p.m.-6:15 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster B45F: Advances in Measuring Plant and Ecosystem Function: Toward Effective Climate Solutions IV Koong Yi, Gilberto Pastorello, Sebastien Biraud (Berkeley Lab), Stefan Metzger (NEON), Trevor F Keenan (UC Berkeley), Marcy E Litvak (UC Berkeley), Matthias Mauder (UNM), Patty Oikawa (CSUEB)
6-6:10 p.m. McCormick Place – E253ab (Lakeside, Level 2) Paper Presentation GH46A-08: Association Between Social and Environmental Determinants of Health and Suicide Rates for the US Population Silvia Crivelli, Xiange Wang, Bianca Brusco, Wenhuan Tan (Berkeley Lab); Jean Beckham, Nathan Kimbrel (Veterans Affairs)

Friday, December 16, 2022

Time Location Title Author(s)/Presenter(s)
8 a.m.-8:06 p.m. Online Paper Presentation H51C-01: A Workflow for (Meta)data Collection in Experimental Watersheds and Field Observatories Dylan O’Ryan, Charuleka Varadharajan, Eoin Brodie, Madison Burrus, Danielle S Christianson, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Joan E Damerow, Hesham Elbashandy, Boris Faybishenko, Valerie C Hendrix, Doug Val Johnson, Zarine Kakalia, Kenneth Hurst Williams, Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab); Erek Alper, Roelof Versteeg (Subsurface Insights)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster B52H-0911: A revised software development life cycle for the ONEFlux eddy covariance data processing pipeline Gilberto Pastorello, Keith Beattie,You-Wei Cheah, Danielle S Christianson, Housen Chu, Sy-Toan Ngo, Deb Agarwal, Sebastien Biraud (Berkeley Lab); Carlo Trotta, Giacomo Nicolini, Diego Polidori (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change); Alessio Ribeca, Dario Papale (University of Tuscia); Sigrid Dengel (University of Helsinki)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall – A (South, Level 3) Poster B52G-0906: Forest edge effects on the Amazon rainforest under climate change Lin Meng (Vanderbilt Univ.); Jeffrey Q Chambers, Charles Koven, Gilberto Pastorello, Marcos Longo, Robinson I Negron Juarez, Barbara Bomfim (Berkeley Lab); Paulo M Brando (Carnegie Institution for Science); Luiz Aragao (INPE National Institute for Space Research); Jacquelyn K Shuman (Univ. of Virginia); Bruno Gimenez (STRI); Aline Pontes-Lopes (INPE); Alessandro C De Araujo (EMBRAPA)
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. McCormick Place – Poster Hall, Hall A (South, Level 3) Poster GC52F: Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Climate Events Huanping Huang, Mark Daniel Risser, Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
10:10-10:20 a.m. McCormick Place – E353ab (Lakeside, Level 3) Invited Talk A52C-08: Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection Allison Collow (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore); Christine A Shields (NCAR); Jonathan J Rutz (NOAA); L. Ruby Leung (PNNL); Marty Ralph (Scripps Institution of Oceanography); Michael F Wehner, Travis Allen O’Brien (Berkeley Lab); Ashley Elizabeth Payne (Univ. of Michigan)
11:46-11:57 a.m. McCormick Place – S502ab (South, Level 4) Invited Talk GC53C-05: A High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Framework for Projecting Future Change in Historically Impactful Extreme Weather Events Christina M Patricola, William A. Gallus (Iowa State Univ.); Emily Bercos-Hickey, Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab); Flor Vanessa Maciel (UCSC); Christine May, Michael Mak, (Pathways Climate Institute); Anna Roche (SFPUC); Olivia Yip (SJSU); Susan Leal (Urban Water Works)
1:45-1:55 p.m. Online Online Presentation GC54B-01: Anthropogenic Aerosols Mask Increases in US Rainfall by Greenhouse Gases Mark Daniel Risser, William Drew Collins, Michael F Wehner, Travis Allen O’Brien (Berkeley Lab); Christopher J Paciorek (UC Berkeley); Huanping Huang (Dartmouth)
1:45-2:45 p.m. Online Online Poster Discussion GC54B: Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Climate Events Huanping Huang, Mark Daniel Risser, Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab)
2:45-6:15 p.m. iPoster Interactive Poster B55H-1056: Analyzing the influence of climate and environmental factors on growth rates of secondary tropical forests using NASA GEDI spaceborne LiDAR Midhun Mohan, Gilberto Pastorello, Yanlei Feng, Marcos Longo, Lin Meng, Jeffrey Q Chambers (Berkeley Lab); Michael Keller (NASA JPL/USDA Forest Service); Antonio Ferraz (UCLA/ NASA JPL); Ovidiu Csillik (NASA JPL)
3:06-3:14 p.m. McCormick Place – E252 (Lakeside, Level 2) Paper Presentation IN55A-03: Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance Joan E Damerow, Elisha M Wood-Charlson, Charuleka Varadharajan, Eoin Brodie, Richard S. Canon, Shreyas Cholia, Paramvir Dehal, Ricardo J Eloy Alves, Valerie C Hendrix, Marka Miller, Chris Mungall, Patrick Sorensen, Pajau Vangay, Deb Agarwal (Berkeley Lab); Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh, Kjiersten Fagnan, David Hays,Supratim Mukherjee, T.B.K. Reddy, Steven Wilson (JGI); Mikayla Borton (Colorado State Univ.); Zachary Crockett (ORNL); Amy E Goldman, Lee Ann McCue, Montana L Smith, James Stegen (PNNL); Nancy Shiao-Lynn Merino (LLNL); Pamela Weisenhorn (ANL)
3:25-3:35 p.m. McCormick Place – S105d (South, Level 1) Paper Presentation OS55A-05: Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model James J Benedict, Donatella Pasqualini (LANL); Colin M. Zarzycki (Penn State); Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab); Ning Sun (PNNL)
4:45-6:15 p.m. McCormick Place – S502ab (South, Level 4) Paper Presentation GC56A: Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Climate Events III Huanping Huang, Mark Daniel Risser, Michael F Wehner (Berkeley Lab)