The U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has named Dan Martin, a computational scientist and group lead for the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division, as team lead for their Earth and Space Science portfolio within ECP Application Development focus area. Martin replaces Anshu Dubey, a computer scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

“I am confident that Dan’s technical expertise and deep experience with the codes that are relevant to the ECP portfolio make him a good fit to replace me at ECP. Not only is he highly respected for his work, but his management style will mesh very well with the leadership team,” said Dubey of Martin’s appointment, “I have a vested interest as my project remains in Dan’s portfolio at ECP!”

The ECP’s Earth and Space Science project portfolio includes ExaSky, a project unraveling the mysteries surrounding the structure of the universe; ExaStar, focused on researching explosive astrophysical phenomena such as stellar explosions and neutron star mergers to gain insight into the cosmic origin of the elements and the behavior of matter; EQSIM, focused on modeling earthquakes and their impact on structures within an earthquake zone; Subsurface, a project probing the cracks in wellbores and reservoirs to reliably inform decisions pertaining to carbon capture, fossil fuel extraction, and waste disposal; and E3SM-MMF, research on resolving clouds at an unprecedented scale with advanced parameterization.

“One of the exciting promises of the coming exascale age is the expertise to push our ability to do science into places that were inaccessible until now. I’m excited that my role in ECP will support the practical development of this capability to study specific scientific problems,” said Martin.