On Friday, August 16, a broad cross-section of Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley scientists gathered for a Microelectronics Town Hall to discuss a range of cross-disciplinary efforts in support of the Lab’s “Beyond Moore’s Law” research initiative. The initiative is part of a broader interagency effort to find new ways to increase computing power that are not tied solely to increasing transistor density.

John Shalf

The Computational Research Division’s John Shalf welcomes Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, and industry attendees to the Microelectronics Town Hall held Friday, August 16 in Wang Hall. (Credit: Margie Wylie/Berkeley Lab)

The meeting was hosted at Wang Hall by John Shalf, who heads the Computer Science Department for the Computational Research Division, together with Ramamoorthy Ramesh of the Materials Sciences Division and UC Berkeley. Ramesh is co-leading the lab-wide initiative with Dan Armbrust of Silicon Catalyst. The Advanced Light Source, NERSC, Molecular Foundry, Center for X-Ray Optics (CXRO), Computational Research Division, and many other facilities and lab divisions will contribute to the effort, along with UC Berkeley and industry partners.