Introducing: Wei Hu, CRD’s Scientific Computing Group. More>
Computing Sciences Supports Top Discoveries of 2013
Research supported by Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences was honored by end-of-year reviews in two leading magazines: Physics World and WIRED. More>
Milestone: perfSONAR Deployments Hit 1,000
Finding the network bottlenecks that can slow the flow of science data sets and impede research can be extremely complex, especially as such data transfers cross a multitude of linked networks. But perfSONAR, a network monitoring software package developed jointly by DOE’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), national labs, universities and Internet 2, is making that task much easier. In January 2014, the number of perfSONAR instances installed in the U.S. and 13 other countries reached 1,000. More>
Skinner Named NERSC Strategic Partnerships Lead
This month, NERSC created a new position—Strategic Partnerships Lead, to identify new science communities and industry partners that can benefit from NERSC resources. David Skinner, former head of the facility’s Outreach Software and Programming Group, will fill the role. More>
A Year of Networking for International Climate Research
This year, ESnet’s Science Engagement team will work with the International Climate Network Working Group to setup and optimize network infrastructures for climate data transfers. By the end of 2014, the collaboration hopes to achieve a minimum of 4Gbps data transfer throughput around the globe. More>
Kennedy High Grads Work at Berkeley Lab
Over the years, Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences has developed an ongoing outreach program with the IT Academy at Kennedy High School in Richmond, California. This past summer, that connection led to summer jobs for three Kennedy graduates, giving them hands-on experience and a paycheck. More>