
Introducing: You-Wei Cheah, CRD. More>

Sethian and Saye’s Bubble Visualization Honored

A visualization created by Berkeley Lab mathematicians Robert Saye and James Sethian of soap bubbles bursting and reforming has won honorable mention in the 2013 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, sponsored by Science magazine and the National Science Foundation. More>

NERSC’s HPC Achievement Awards Winners

NERSC announced the winners of its second annual High Performance Computing (HPC) Achievement Awards on Feb. 4, 2014. More>

CRD and NERSC Staff Present at SIAM Conference

Dozens of scientists from CRD and NERSC presented their research at the Sixteenth Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Feb. 28-21 in Portland, Ore. Sponsored by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the conference series has played a key role in promoting parallel scientific computing, algorithms for parallel systems and parallel numerical algorithms. More>

Greg Bell Gives Keynote at The National Press Club

ESnet Director Greg Bell gave the keynote talk on “Networking for Discovery” at Scaling Networks Securely and Cost Effectively, a one-day program organized by Government Computer News, Federal Computer Week and Ciena that is targeted at government network providers and IT staff. The event was held Feb. 20, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. More>

Berkeley Experts Featured in HPCwire Podcasts

This month, three Berkeley Lab experts were interviewed by HPCwire’s Soundbite, a daily podcast that hosts leading researchers and news makers in the world of high performance computing. 

  • Dula Parkinson of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Berkeley Lab, talked about using hard X-rays to characterize various materials, and how key technologies in data management and HPC are powering his work forward.
  • Kristin Persson of Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technology Division (EETD) talked about building better batteries, solar cells and more with the Materials Project.
  • Brian Tierney who leads the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet’s) 100G Network Testbed Project , also addresses progress with the perfSONAR project, which he is helping to drive.

Read the February 2014 issue of Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences News.