Seventeen DOE national labs pooled their expertise and accomplishments to stage National Lab Day in the Rayburn Senate Office Building on Tuesday, Sept. 16. The afternoon event included a discussion of the importance of the labs and five areas demonstrating research accomplishments. The event, which focused on the labs as a system rather than highlighting individual labs, drew 15 members of Congress and more than 100 staff members.

The HPC display organization was co-led by David Skinner of NERSC, along with Kim Cupps of LLNL and Becky Verastegui of ORNL. Jon Bashor of Computing Sciences helped collect and organize scientific visualizations and write descriptions for an interactive display of accomplishment in areas such as basic science, clean energy, transportation, health and national security.

CRD researchers Burlen Loring, Zarija Lukic, David Trebotich, Daniela Ushizima and members of the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering contributed their work to the display, which also included the Materials Project hosted by NERSC.

Lab Deputy Director Horst Simon attended the event and said that the lab’s efforts made a big impact on behalf of the national labs. “I was extremely impressed with the way everything worked out, and I’ve heard many favorable comments from others,” Simon said.

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