
Visit the DOE National Labs’ booth #1327 at SC13.


Technical Program

Sunday, Nov. 17


Globus Online and the Science DMZ as Scalable Research Data Management Infrastructure for HPC Facilities
Presenters: Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Vas Vasiliadis, Steve Tuecke, Eli Dart, LBNL/ESnet, Shreyas Cholia, LBNL/NERSC
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Room 403

Practical Fault Tolerance on Today’s HPC Systems
Presenters: Nathan Debardeleben, Eric Roman, LBNL, Laxmikant V. Kale, Kathryn Mohror
1:30 p.m. -5 p.m., Room 405


The 3rd International Workshop on Network-Aware Data Management
Organizers: Mehmet Balman, Brian L. Tierney and Surendra Byna, LBNL
9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Room 601

Building Energy Efficient High Performance Computing: 4th Annual EE HPC WG Workshop
Organizers: Anna Maria Bailey, James Rogers, James Laros, Susan Coghlan, Josip Loncaric, William Tschudi and Natalie Bates, LBNL, Ralph Wescott, Steven Hammond
9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Room 603

Monday, Nov. 18


Advanced PGAS Programming in UPC
Presenters: Yili Zheng, Katherine Yelick, LBNL
8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Room 203

Ensuring Network Performance with perfSONAR
Presenter: Jason Zurawski, LBNL/ESnet
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Room 402

OpenCL: A Hands-On Introduction
Presenters: Tim Mattson, Alice Koniges, LBNL/NERSC, Simon McIntosh-Smith
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Room 403

Parallel I/O in Practice
Presenters: Katie Antypas, LBNL/NERSC, Brent Welch, Robert Latham, Robert B. Ross
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Room 205/207

Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt
Presenters: Cyrus Harrison, Jean M. Favre, Hank Childs and Harinarayan Krishnan, LBNL, Brad Whitlock
1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Room 303

Tuesday, Nov. 20


Taming Parallel I/O Complexity with Auto-Tuning
Authors: Babak Behzad, Huong Vu Thanh Luu, Joseph Huchette, Surendra Byna and Prabhat, LBNL, Ruth Aydt, Quincey Koziol, Marc Snir
4 – 4:30 p.m., Rooms 405/406/407

Panel Discussion

Exascale Runtime Systems
Panelists: Pavan Balaji, Laxmikant Kale, Kathy Yelick, LBNL, Bronis de Supinski, Vivek Sarkar, Thomas Sterling
3:30 – 5 p.m., Rooms 301/302/303

Birds of a Feather Sessions

HPC and the Web
Session Co-leaders: Annette Greiner and Shreyas Cholia, LBNL/NERSC, and Rion Dooley, University of Texas at Austin
5:30 – 7 p.m., Room 703

Library of Mini-Applications for Exascale Component-Based Performance Modeling
Session Co-leader: John Shalf, LBNL/NERSC, with Marie-Christine Sawley, Intel SAS; and Naoya Maruyama, RIKEN
5:30 – 7 p.m., Rooms 708/710/712

TOP500 Supercomputers
Session Co-Leaders: Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon, LBNL
5:30 – 7 p.m., Mile High Room

Wednesday, Nov. 21

Plenary Talk

Data, Computation, and the Fate of the Universe
Saul Perlmutter, Nobel Laureate, LBNL
9:15 – 10 a.m., Mile High Room


Exploring the Future of Out-Of-Core Computing with Compute-Local Non-Volatile Memory
Authors: Myoungsoo Jung, Ellis H. Wilson III, Wonil Choi, John Shalf, Hasan Metin Aktulga, Chao Yang, Erik Saule, Umit V. Catalyurek, Mahmut Kandemir.
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Rooms 205/207
Nominated for Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award

The Science DMZ: A Network Design Pattern for Data-Intensive Science
Authors: Eli Dart, Lauren Rotman, Brian Tierney, Mary Hester, Jason Zurawski, LBNL/ESnet
3:30 – 4 p.m., Rooms 205/207
Nominated for Best Paper Award

Kinetic Turbulence Simulations at Extreme Scale on Leadership-Class Systems
Authors: Bei Wang, Stephane Ethier, William Tang, Timothy Williams, Kamesh Madduri, Khaled Ibrahim, Samuel Williams and Leonid Oliker, LBNL
3:30- – 4 p.m., Rooms 401/402/403

Panel Discussion

RDMA: Scaling the I/O Architecture for Future Applications
Panelists: Paul Grun, Sudip Dosanjh, LBNL, Rick Stevens, Gary Grider
1:30 – 3 p.m., Rooms 301/302/303

Birds of a Feather Sessions

The Green500 List and Its Evolution
Session Co-leader: John Shalf, LBNL/NERSC, with Wu Feng, Virginia Tech; and Natalie Bates, Energy-Efficient HPC Working Group
5:30 – 7 p.m., Mile High Room

Gordon Bell Finalist

HACC: Extreme Scaling and Performance Across Diverse Architectures
Authors: Salman Habib, Vitali A. Morozov, Nicholas Frontiere, Hal Finkel, Adrian Pope, Katrin Heitmann, Kalyan Kumaran, Venkat Vishwanath, Tom Peterka, Joseph A. Insley, David Daniel, Patricia Fasel, Zarija Lukic, LBNL
11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Room 201/203

Thursday, Nov. 21

Plenary Talk

The Interplay Between Internet Security and Scale
Vern Paxson, UC Berkeley/LBNL
9:15 – 10 a.m., Mile High Room

Invited Presentation: ACM Athena Award
More Data, More Science and … Moore’s Law?
Katherine Yelick, LBNL
1:30 – 3 p.m., Mile High Room


Precimonius: Tuning Assistant for Floating-Point Precision
Authors: Cindy Rubio-Gonzalez, Cuong Nguyen, Hong Diep Nguyen, James Demmel, William Kahan, Koushik Sen, David H. Bailey, Costin Iancu, L BNL, David Hough

Invited Talks

Data, Computation, and the Fate of the Universe

Saul Perlmutter, UC Berkeley / LBNL
(Nobel Laureate)

This talk will reach into the past to explain how integrating big data – and careful analysis – led to the discovery of the acceleration of the universe’s expansion. It will go on to discuss the increasing importance and impact of coupling scientists with data, analysis, and simulation to gain future insights.

The Interplay Between Internet Security & Scale

Vern PaxsonVern Paxson, UC Berkeley / LBNL

Internet Security poses fundamentally hard problems due to its adversarial nature, but the challenges become especially complex at large scales. This talk will examine a range of such scaling issues: network speed, traffic volume, user diversity, forensic analysis, and difficulties that attackers themselves face. These will be discussed both in the context of operational security and in terms of how such issues arise in cybersecurity research.

ACM Athena Lecture: More Data, More Science and … Moore’s Law?

Kathy Yelick, UC Berkeley / LBNL

In the same way that the Internet has combined with web content and search engines to revolutionize every aspect of our lives, the scientific process is poised to undergo a radical transformation based on the ability to access, analyze, and merge large, complex data sets. Scientists will be able to combine their own data with that of other scientists, validating models, interpreting experiments, re-using and re-analyzing data, and making use of sophisticated mathematical analyses and simulations to drive the discovery of relationships across data sets, much like Google does in compiling answers to queries. This “scientific web” will yield higher quality science, more insights per experiment, an increased democratization of science, and a higher return from major investments in scientific instruments.

What does this “big science data” view of the world have to do with HPC? The terms “high performance computing” and “computational science” have become nearly synonymous with modeling and simulation, and yet computing is as important to the analysis of experimental data as it is to the evaluation of theoretical models. Due to the exponential growth rates in detectors, sequencers and other observational technology, data sets across many science disciplines are outstripping the storage, computing, and algorithmic techniques available to individual scientists. Along with simulation, experimental analytics problems will drive the need for increased computing performance, although the types of computing systems and software configurations may be quite different.

In this talk I will describe some of the opportunities and challenges in extreme data science and its relationship to high performance modeling and simulation. One of those challenges (my own favorite) is the development of high performance, high productivity programming models. In both simulation and analytics, programming models are the “sandwich topic,” squeezed between application needs and hardware disruptions, yet often treated with some suspicion, if not outright disdain. But programming model research is, or at least should be, an exemplar of interdisciplinary science, requiring a deep understanding of applications, algorithms, and computer architecture in order to map the former to the latter. I will use this thread to talk about my own research interests, how I selected various research topics over the years, and the importance of teams and even complete communities of researchers when addressing one of these problems.

Berkeley Lab in Booth #1327

Tuesday, Nov. 19

MyESnet Portal: Real-time Visualization of DOE Science Data
(Booth Demo)
Demo led by ESnet Staff
When: 11 a.m. – noon

Ganglia Software
(Roundtable Discussion)
Discussion Leader: Bernard Li, IT Division
When: 4:45 – 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 20

Informal Discussion With 2011 Nobel Laureate
(Roundtable Discussion)
Discussion Leader: Saul Perlmutter, Nobel Laureate, Berkeley Lab
When: 10 – 10:45 a.m.

MyESnet Portal: Real-time Visualization of DOE Science Data
(Booth Demo)
Demo led by ESnet Staff
When: 11 a.m. – noon

Science DMZ: A Network Design Pattern for Data-Intensive Science
(Roundtable Discussion)
Discussion Leader: Eli Dart, ESnet
When: 12:15 – 1 p.m.

Big Data Meets Exascale
(Invited Talk)
Kathy Yelick, ALD of Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences
When: 1:00 p.m.

The Network as an Instrument of Scientific Discovery
(Invited Talk)
Greg Bell, ESnet Director
When: 4 p.m.

Berkeley Lab Contributes to SC13

Technical Program Committee

Horst Simon, Chair of IEEE-CS Sidney Fernbach Memorial & Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award Committees
David H. Bailey, ACM Gordon Bell Award Chair, Silver Anniversary Committee member
Alice Koniges, Panels Chair, Tutorials Committee member, Workshops Committee member

Technical Papers Committees

Aydin Buluc, Algorithms Committee member
Chao Yang, Algorithms Committee member
Andrew M. Canning, Applications Committee member
Tony Drummond, Applications Committee member
Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Grids and Clouds Committee member
David H. Bailey, Performance, Analysis & State of the Practice Committee member
Yili Zheng, Programming Systems Committee member
William Johnston, State of the Practice Committee member
David Paul, State of the Practice Committee member
Richard Shane Canon, Storage, Visualization & Analytics Committee member
Leonid Oliker, Test of Time Award Vice-Chair
David H. Bailey, Test of Time Award Committee member
Katherine Yelick, Test of Time Award Committee member

Tutorials Committee

Anshu Dubey, Tutorials Committee member

HPC Interconnections

Jon Bashor, HPC Interconnections Communications Chair
Elizabeth Bautista, HPCI Fundraising Deputy Chair, BE/HPC Educators Networking Event Chair, Broader Engagement Committee member
Tony Drummond, Broader Engagement Committee member
Katherine Yelick, HPC Interconnections Advisory Board

SC Communications

Lauren Rotman, Conference Photography Owner


Jason Lee, SCinet Vice Chair, SCinet Network Research Program member
Lauren Rotman, SCinet Communications Chair, SCinet Network Research Program member
Patrick Dorn, SCinet Interconnect Co-Chair
Jason Zurawski, SCinet Measurement Co-Chair
Dan Gunter, SCinet Measurement Team member
Andrew Lake, SCinet Measurement Team member
Taghrid Samak, SCinet Measurement Team member
Scott Campbell, SCinet Network Security Co-Chair
Aashish Sharma, SCinet Network Security Team member