Associate Lab Director for Computing Sciences Kathy Yelick has been named a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Yelick was named an ACM Fellow “For contributions to parallel languages that improve programmer productivity.” Yelick was one of 52 ACM Fellows announced Tuesday, Dec. 11.
The letter nominating her began “Dr. Yelick’s research contributions have improved fundamental understanding and practice of parallel programming, performance tuning, compilation, and runtime systems. Dr. Yelick is an innovative researcher, an effective teacher and mentor, and a world leader in the field of high performance computing. Her software is used in both the research community and in production environments, and her publications currently have 6992 citations, an H-index of 39 and a G-index of 81. She gives frequent invited talks, including conference keynotes and distinguished lectures. She is involved in advisory committees at the national and California state level, and as the Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is responsible for setting the computing research directions of the Laboratory.”
According to the ACM, Fellow is “ACM’s most prestigious member grade recognizing the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.” Yelick will be formally inducted at an ACM awards banquet to be held June 15, 2013, in San Francisco.
“These men and women are advancing the art and science of computing with enormous impacts for how we live and work,” said ACM President Vinton G. Cerf in the ACM announcement. “The impact of their contributions highlights the role of computing in creating advances that range from commonplace applications to extraordinary breakthroughs, and from the theoretical to the practical.”
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