When SC09 convenes Nov. 14 in Portland, LBNL researchers will participate in two tutorials, present four technical papers, join in one panel discussion, give two Masterworks talks and lead two Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.
Hank Childs of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Sean Ahern of Oak Ridge National Laboratory will present “VisIt – Visualization and Analysis for Very Large Data Sets,” a tutorial on VisIt, an open source visualization and analysis tool designed for processing large data. The half-day session will be held on Sunday, Nov. 15.
Alice Koniges of Berkeley Lab/NERSC, along with Rusty Lusk of Argonne National Laboratory and three others, will present “Application Supercomputing and the Many-Core Paradigm Shift,” a tutorial giving an overview of supercomputing application development with an emphasis on the many-core paradigm shift and programming languages. The full-day session will be held on Sunday, Nov. 15.
Technical Papers
David Pugmire and Sean Ahern of ORNL, Hank Childs and Gunther Weber of LBNL and Christoph Garth of UC Davis will present their paper “Scalable Computation of Streamlines on Very Large Datasets” during the Large-Scale Applications session on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Marghoob Mohiyuddin, James Demmel and Kathy Yelick of LBNL/UC Berkeley, and Mark Hoemmen of UC Berkeley will present a paper on “Minimizing Communication in Sparse Matrix Solvers” as part of the Sparse Matrix Computation session on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Kamesh Madduri, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker John Shalf Erich Strohmaier Katherine Yelick of LBNL and Stephane Ethier of PPPL will present their paper “Memory-Efficient Optimization of Gyrokinetic Particle-to-Grid Interpolation for Multicore Processors”during the Particle Methods session on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Marghoob Mohiyuddin, LBNL/UC Berkeley, Mark Murphy and John Wawrzynek of UC Berkeley, and Leonid Oliker, John Shalf and Samuel Williams of LBNL will present the paper “A Design Methodology for Domain-Optimized Power-Efficient Supercomputing” during the Future HPC Architectures session on Thursday, Nov. 19.
ACM Gordon Bell Prize Finalist
Berkeley Lab Associate Lab Director Horst Simon is member of an IBM team making the finals for the 2009 ACM Gordon Bell Prize with their entry “The Cat is Out of the Bag: Cortical Simulations with 10^9 Neurons, 10^13 Synapses.”
William Tschudi of LBNL and Steve Elbert of PNNL will be among the members of a panel discussion on “Energy Efficient Data Centers for HPC, How Lean and Green Do We Need to Be?” to be held on Thursday, Nov. 19.
Masterworks invited talks
Teresa Head-Gordon of LBNL/UC Berkeley will discuss “Big Science and Computing Opportunities: Molecular Theory, Models and Simulation” during the Masterworks Session on Multi-Scale Simulations in Bioscience to be held Wednesday, Nov. 18.
Michael Wehner of LBNL’s Computational Research Division will talk about “Green Flash: Exascale Computing for Ultra-High Resolution Climate Modeling” as part of the Masterworks Session on Toward Exascale Climate Modeling held Thursday, Nov. 19.
Kathy Yelick, Victor Markowitz, John Shalf, Shane Canon, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Shreyas Cholia, and Keith Jackson of LBNL will contribute to “Using Clouds for Parallel Computations in Systems Biology” on Monday, Nov. 16. This all-day workshop aims to bring together computer scientists, bioinformaticists, and computational biologists to discuss the feasibility of using cloud computing for systems biology. Yelick and Markowitz will participate in a panel discussion on “Future Directions for Cloud Computing in Systems and Computational Bio.” Shalf, Canon, Ramakrishnan, Cholia, and Jackson will present a technical talk, “A Performance Comparison of Massively Parallel Sequence Matching Computations on Cloud Computing Platforms using mpiBLAST and Hadoop.” Markowitz will also chair an afternoon session of technical talks.
Andrew Canning and Lin-Wang Wang are again co-organizing the 5th International Workshop on High Performance Computing for Nano-science and Technology (HPCNano09). The theme of this year’s workshop, to be held Sunday, Nov. 15, is “Cyber Gateway for Nano Discoveries and Innovation.”
Birds of a Feather Sessions
William Tschudi of LBNL will lead a BoF for the Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Working Group on Thursday, Nov. 19.
Jon Dugan of LBNL/ESnet will lead a BoF on Network Measurement on Wednesday, Nov. 18.
Exhibitor Forum
Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon will participate in the TOP500 Supercomputers session presenting the 34th edition of this twice-yearly list to be held Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Special Display
Berkeley Lab’s Bill Tschudi is participating in the “Datacenter of the Future” exhibit in the lobby of the Oregon Convention Center. This booth showcases design elements of energy efficient HPC Datacenters from diverse locations around the globe.