From a 2006 Nobel laureate to five technical papers, from organizing workshops and sessions to speaking on timely topics in panel discussions, HPC experts from the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will have a strong presence at the SC07 conference to be held Nov. 10–16 in Reno.

“The conference is a great venue to highlight the expertise of our researchers, who are contributing to nearly 10 percent of all the papers accepted for the conference,” said Horst Simon, Associate Lab Director for Computing Sciences. “They also influence dialogues and research trends in scientific computing through hosting workshops and other discussions.”

Berkeley Lab’s George Smoot, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics, will give a talk on Wednesday, November 14, in a plenary session also featuring Raymond Orbach, Department of Energy Under Secretary for Science.

LBNL scientists who contributed papers are:

  • Julian Borrill, Lenny Oliker, John Shalf and Hongzhang Shan will discuss their work on the “Investigation of Leading HPC I/O Performance Using a Scientific Application-Derived Benchmark.”
  • Parry Husbands and Kathy Yelick will present “Multithreading and One-Sided Communication in Parallel LU Factorization.”
  • Sam Williams, Lenny Oliker, Kathy Yelick, Jim Demmel, and John Shalf, along with Rich Vuduc of Lawrence Livermore National Lab, will talk about their paper, “Optimization of Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Emerging Multicore Platforms.”
  • Phillip Colella, Kathy Yelick and Noel Keen, along with Tong Wen from IBM Research and Jimmy Su from UC Berkeley, will present “An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Benchmark for Modern Parallel Programming Languages.”
  • Erich Strohmaier, along with Mustafa Tikir, Laura Carrington and Allan Snavely of the San Diego Supercomputer Center, co-authored a paper titled, “A Genetic Algorithms Approach to Modeling the Performance of Memory-bound Computations.”

Zhengji Zhao, Juan Meza, and Lin-Wang Wang will present a poster, “A New O(N) Method for Petascale Nanoscience Simulations.”

Cecilia Aragon will give her advice on “How to Get a Better Job in Computing — and Keep It!” as part of a panel discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 13.

William Tschudi, a researcher from the Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Berkeley Lab, will be on a panel called “Is There an HEC Energy Crisis?” on Friday, November 16.

LBNL staff are also organizing or co-hosting a number of other programs during the conference, including:

  • Andrew Canning will co-host the “Third International Workshop on High Performance Computing for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (HPCNano07).” Lin-Wang Wang and Osni Marques also will speak at the workshop.
  • Erich Strohmaier, one of the editors of the twice-yearly TOP500 list, will present an analysis of the latest TOP500 list and discuss trends in the high-performance computing marketplace during a Birds of a Feather session.
  • John Shalf and Erich Strohmaier will host a Birds of a Feather session on “Power, Cooling and Energy Consumption for Petascale and Beyond.”
  • Bill Kramer is one of the organizers for the “Petascale Data Storage Workshop.”
  • Phil Colella will co-host a Birds of a Feather discussion on the “Federal Activities Impacting Long Term HEC Strategies.”

Additionally, Chin Guok and Eli Dart of the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), which is managed by Berkeley Lab for DOE, will carry out networking demonstrations that showcase ESnet’s ongoing effort to significantly boost its bandwidth and services for DOE researchers and their collaborators. Many of LBNL’s experts will be available for individual discussions at the Berkeley Lab booth in the SC07 exhibition.

Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences comprises the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and the Computational Research Division. Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in Berkeley, California.  It conducts unclassified scientific research and is managed by the University of California. Visit our website at