The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA) has dedicated its Fall 2005 issue to climate modeling, especially on the software design of the Community Climate System Model

Helen He

(CCSM). Among the contributing authors are CRD’s Helen He and Chris Ding, who wrote an article on “Coupling Multicomponent Models with MPH on Distributed Memory Computer Architectures” and contributed to another on “CPL6: The New Extensible, High Performance Parallel Coupler for the Community Climate System Model.” The special issue of the journal can be found at <>.

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Chris Ding

Many of the authors are currently collaborating on a SciDAC climate project about Collaborative Design and Development of CCSM. This is a multi-institutional effort involving the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NASA and Argonne, Berkeley, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge and Pacific Northwest national labs. The goal of the project is to provide U.S. researchers with state-of-the-art coupled climate simulation capabilities. CCSM modeling results are part of the U.S.’ submission to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assesment Report (IPCC AR4).