Some of the nation’s leading experts in high-performance computing and computational science will be featured in a series of talks presented in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory booth at the SC2001 conference to be held Nov. 12-16 in Denver.
Topics to be covered include the future of computing at the Department of Energy’s flagship unclassified computing facility, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the development of Grid tools, and the story behind Berkeley Lab’s Remote Access Grid Entity, a robot vehicle able to travel the SC2001 conference hall and link to the Access Grid. Scientific topics to be covered include climate research, accelerator design, materials science, cosmology and genome assembly, as well as discussions of tools for solving scientific problems. Noted mathematician David Bailey will discuss and demonstrate his research in determining that the digits of pi are random.
The talks will be held Nov. 13-16 in the Berkeley Lab booth (R1171) in the Colorado Convention Center exhibit hall. The talks are open to all SC2001 attendees and will also be distributed via the Access Grid. Here’s the dailiy schedule:
Tuesday, November 13
10:45 a.m. “The NERSC Strategic Plan,” Horst Simon, NERSC Division Director, LBNL
11:30 a.m. “Computer Modeling of Future Climate Change: Methods and Predictions,” Warren Washington, National Center for Atmospheric Research
12:15 p.m. “Meet RAGE – The Remote Access Grid Entity,” The Berkeley Lab Robot Team, LBNL
1 p.m., “Accelerator Modeling Status and Practice,” Robert Ryne, Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, LBNL
1:45 p.m., “JAZZ: A New Whole Genome Assembler,” Dan Rokhsar, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
2:30 p.m. “Astronomy and Cosmology: Supernovae and Supercomputing,” Peter Nugent, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
Wednesday, November 14
10:45 a.m. “Grids at NERSC,” Bill Johnston, NERSC Distributed Systems Department Head, LBNL
11:30 a.m. “Are the Digits of p Random?,” David Bailey,NERSC Chief Technologist, LBNL
12:15 p.m. “Astronomy and Cosmology: NERSC 3 and the Cosmos,” Julian Borrill, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
1 p.m. “Nano-Scale Science and Technology: Large Scale Supercomputer Calculations for the Optical Properties of Nanostructures,” Lin-Wang Wang, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
1:45 p.m. “The DOE ACTS Toolkit,” Osni Marques and Tony Drummond, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
2:30 p.m. “Two Computational Technologies for Climate Modeling: Reproducibility and Coupling Component Models,” Chris Ding, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
Thursday, November 15
10:45 a.m. “NERSC 3 Phase 2 Status Report,” Nick Cardo, NERSC Computational Systems Group, LBNL
11:30 a.m. “Material Science: Multi-Teraflop Simulations of Magnetic Systems on the IBM SP at NERSC,” Andrew Canning, NERSC Scientific Computing Group, LBNL
12:15 p.m. “Terascale Optimal PDE Simulations,” Esmond Ng, NERSC Scientific Computing Group Lead, LBNL