Researchers in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division (CRD) are renowned for developing and contributing to novel software packages for use in modeling and simulation, computer science and data science.  Now, for the first time, all of these tools have been incorporated into a single catalog on the CRD website, where users can easily search and download what they need.

“This catalog represents decades of Berkeley Lab expertise and leadership in applied math, computational science, computer science, data science and technology,” says David Brown, CRD Director. “But the catalog is not only a reflection of what we’ve accomplished, it will also help us identify opportunities for scientific engagement and collaboration with our colleagues at Berkeley Lab, within the Department of Energy and beyond.”

The catalog was compiled by the newly-formed CRD Software Engineering and Management committee, which has representatives from every group in CRD as well as ESnet and NERSC. Dan Gunter, who heads CRD’s Integrated Data Frameworks Group, leads the committee. Gunter set up the site with extensive help from Ann Almgren, who is currently Acting Group Lead for the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering (CCSE) in CRD. The catalog includes diverse offerings from all four departments in the division. 

The Applied Mathematics offerings include the BoxLib and Chombo software frameworks for building Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) applications, which have been used to gain insights on topics from turbulent combustion to glacier melt in Antarctica and Greenland. Computer Science software includes Berkeley UPC and GASnet, a high-performance parallel language and underlying networking layer that has been used to speed up simulations in a variety of domains from biology to combustion. The Data Science and Technology software includes VisIt, a widely used interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool; and FastBit/FastQuery for indexing of huge scientific data sets that has been used for visualizations of the Laser Wakefield Particle Accelerator. 

For more information about CRD software and to download tools, visit: