The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Initiative has announced it will issue its first joint solicitation in November for two of its pillar initiatives, the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing Program (HPC4Mfg) and the High Performance Computing for Materials Program (HPC4Mtls), according to an announcement today from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

The call for proposals will seek industry partners to work on one-year collaborative projects with DOE’s national laboratories, applying high performance computing (HPC) modeling, simulation and data analysis to key challenges in U.S. manufacturing and material development. The programs are intended to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise to advance innovation in energy-efficient manufacturing and in new materials that enable advanced energy technologies. Selected industry partners will be granted access to HPC facilities and experts at the national laboratories. Projects will be awarded up to $300,000 to support compute cycles and work performed by the national lab partners.

The joint solicitation, the seventh for the HPC4Mfg Program and the second for the HPC4Mtls Program, is being done on behalf of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) and Office of Fossil Energy. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory leads the HPC4EI program along with its partner laboratories — Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest and Sandia national laboratories, as well as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and National Energy Technology Laboratory.

To be considered, proposals must require HPC modeling and simulation to overcome manufacturing process and material development challenges and demonstrate a possible impact to energy efficiency and/or increased productivity, with a potential for broad national impact. 

Eligibility is limited to U.S. manufacturers of commercial products and the organizations that support them. All DOE national laboratories are eligible to participate. Industry partners must contribute at least 20 percent of the DOE funding for projects. The HPC4EI (HPC4Mfg/HPC4Mtls) Program anticipates making multiple awards, subject to funding availability.

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